Post by Jason SunWe should email him for a talk, what was his email?
The e-mail address is
McINTOSH Chelsey <***>
Thanks, Bill
P.S. And here is the last e-mail I received:
Date: Wed, 03 Jun 2015 18:16:27 -0400
To: "***" <***>
From: McINTOSH Chelsey <***>
Subject: RE: Thales Group (Rail Signalling)
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Hi Bill,
I think our engineers would have a lot of fun talking to your class,
actually I contacted you as I work closely with someone who attended
your class a while ago, and he recommended I reach out.
Our goal isn't to talk about our culture, firstly that's not what's
really interesting about Thales. We want to talk about what we do,
share our expertise and if people want to work with us, that's a
bonus. I think we can provide some value to students as they can ask
questions to people working in the industry, find out what challenges
they face and provide advice.
I'll come back to you with details of who would be interested, and
they can connect with you regarding what they would cover. I'll note
that July is the right time to come out to Campus.
We look forward to setting this up.
Kind Regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: *** [mailto:***]
Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 1:05 PM
To: McINTOSH Chelsey
Cc: ***
Subject: Re: Thales Group (Rail Signalling)
Post by Jason Sun--_004_C2973BC4F0C9014292C707B66435A4A40596B65ATHSONEA07MBX04P_
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Post by Jason SunContent-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
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Hi Bill,
I was told that you have a notoriously difficult class on Real-Time
Post by Jason Sunming, and coincidently you also focus on computer based train
controls whic=
Post by Jason Sunh is exactly what we do.
I hope you don't mind me reaching out to you, however we could
perhaps have=
Post by Jason Sunsome of our engineers come by and speak at one of your lectures?
As Thales is a big company I'm not sure if you've had much
connection with =
Post by Jason Sunus in the past. If this sounds like something that would be
interesting to =
Post by Jason Sunyou, I could definitely get the right people involved.
Hi Chelsey,
It is true that I teach a course that is notoriously difficult -- not
as difficult as its reputation has it -- and that the course has a
project in which the students use the operating system they have built
from scratch to build an application in which several trains share a
topogically complex track, independently carrying out different
objectives, minimizing interference between the trains.
It is also true that the students in this course are in high demand by
industry, because they are very good.
I asked the students in class yesterday if they would be interested in
your proposal. They thought that having an engineer who designs and
develops software that controls trains would be interesting to them.
They told me to tell you that they will be turned off by an HR pitch
about how enjoyable it is working for Thales; they don't want to know
how enjoyable it is to work at Thales; they want to know how train
control is done, how software fits itself to that hardware that
controls the trains, how it knows, and how accurately, where the train
is, how the software detects and remedies errors.
If you wish to interact with this year's class, July is the right
time. Students will complete their embedded operating systems in
about two weeks. They will then immediately start trying to convert
sparse data from the track into knowledge of where the trains are,
after which they move them from one place to another without getting
into situations where collisions or derailments are possible.
I don't mind you reaching out to us at all. On a per student basis
this is the most expensive undergraduate course we teach and external
support for the course is important in persuading the department that
it's worth maintaining the course.
You ask about previous connections with Thales. I have received, and
replied to e-mail from Thales like your message two or three times
over a couple of decades, but never heard anything more.
Best wishes, Bill
P.S. If you are interested in what we teach there is lots of material
about the course on my website: